About Healthy Boundaries

The Healthy Boundaries blog has started from my desire to pass on my knowledge and my experience with NonViolent Communication (NVC) and the way I use it to handle the difficulty around saying no.

After a few years of facilitating NVC practice groups, giving lessons and helping many people online, I wasn’t satisfied with the extent of influence I had.
I wanted to contribute to many more people and teaching groups just wasn’t going to enable that for me.

Few years ago I gave a lesson on ‘how to say NO without hurting the relationship‘ and as I was writing the materials I noticed how much this issue is wide and touches all people and all areas of life.
I’ve decided to write a blog about it so I can share the tools and principles of NVC and help many people cope with it more easily.

This blog will also include other topics related to relationships, boundaries, dealing with internal conflicts, self connection, self expression, empathy and more.

What would you like me to write about?
Send a request for an article from the contact page.

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